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Javanese culture (Simple Explanation)

The definition of Javanese culture here is the entire region of Central Java and East Java.


Javanese language has three levels, namely: ngoko language. intermediate language, and language of karma. In addition to these three levels, also known Javanese four kinds of language again, the language of keratin, language conventions inggil, karma language village, and coarse language.

Kinship system

Javanese kinship system the principle of bilateral or parent, means a child's relationship with his siblings sibling or male cousins and female cousins accounted for by the father and mother lines.

In the Javanese kinship system there is some kinship term indicating a classification system according to the force:

a. Shiva or uncle.
b. Uncle.
c. Aunt.

In marriage, it is generally true that after the marriage took place, the wife would join her husband (patrilokal system). In the Java community recognized the existence of restrictions in the form of a ban mate for a man to marry a woman in terms of:

a. Marriage between siblings (incest)
b. Cousin marriage between relatives (fourth degree downward)
c. Sedulur pancer lanang, the children of siblings of male or female.
Javanese society is also known consideration in finding a soul mate.These considerations are as follows:

a. Seeds, bebet, weight. Seeds are the descendants of the background that will serve as a partner. Education Bebet is someone who will serve as a partner. Meanwhile, the weight is a family status which would be life partner.

b. Neptu, ie suitability for the birthday boy with a girl who was about to be married.

If a parent dies Javanese cultural inheritance systems adopt the parental system, meaning all property inheritance parents equally to all children. Property inherited this legacy of one's own property (husband and wife) plus half the community property in a traditional wedding (treasure "Gono-gini). How could follow the division of the peace or a way sepikul segendongan. Religion
Javanese people embrace Islam:

a. Islam (majority); distinguish the two:
Santri Islam - Islam Kejawen
b. Christian
c. Catholic
d. Hindhu
e. Buddhist

In a religious system, people celebrate the safety of Java, namely ritual meal to be grateful for certain things, such as:

a. Salvation in the framework of the circle of life.
b. Safety net associated with the village, and plowing after harvesting the rice.
c. Safety of the great days of Islam.
d. Safety-related events such as trip distance, move the new house, refused to hazard (ngrut), and kaol (nazar).

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