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Inducting New Employees

*Inducting New Employees Into Your Company*. New employees are the best
assets of a company. New employees can advance a company's business if they
can work well and can advance the company where they work. If you're
looking for a way or method to introduce the existing business in your
company to new employees, there are some things you can do. Here are some
suggestions to introduce your company to a new employees:

The first way, to make new employees feel comfortable in your company. As a
new employee, maybe they can not immediately adapt to your company. They
may take time to recognize the environments in which they work. So make new
employees feel comfortable in your company, so they can work comfortably.

The second way, introducing new employees to other work colleagues.
Introduce them to other colleagues in their department. In this way makes
them comfortable asking questions on their first day

The third way, after introductions are made, you should discuss with new
employees, what you hope for. What to tell what should be done by new
employees. So that later they can work well according to your wishes. If

they do not know what you expect, they will not be able to meet your needs.